Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year and New Beginnings ~ Auld Lang Syne

Today is New Years Eve. A symbol of also good things to come in the new year, a blank slate, a new canvas, the world is my oyster. Since I have been house sitting and pet sitting over these last few weeks. I have looked at it as a learning opportunity and to take in things that I find useful and enjoyable into the new year and into my new and improved life. This is helping to chase the blues away. I know I have made the right decision and as each day goes by it gets a bit easier. I start to look forward to things I didn't before. I have hope. I have had the opportunity to watch the caring of animals both young and old. Dogs and cats and their range of needs as a responsible pet owner. I have also had the opportunity to enjoy people's homes while I have been house sitting and how they organize their home and the things that I like most about them I want to bring into my life when I have my own place again. The little conveniences I forget about. I want to embrace my femininity and my "girly" side. I have seen a great idea for how to see my goals appear by visualization. I realize how I like to plan ahead and work towards a long term goal. How I enjoyed the idea of a long term relationship with an equal partner. To organize and maintain a home and to entertain those that I love like friends and family. To pursue a new job. To travel to new destinations. Meeting new people. New relationships. I am just so excited! I can't wait!

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