Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Money talks, bullshit walks.

I don't really know what to say today. I just finished work. Met a girlfriend for 30 min of cardio which was the best thing for me. Work was busy, I had my little preceptee student there. I was a bit shaky, my knee's felt like they were going to give out at any moment, like big let blocks, walking like Frankenstein, minus the lobotomy scar. I guess because I had just gotten a call from the realtor saying she contacted my ex about the selling of the property. For some reason I felt the need to call his good friend after I had talked to the realtor. They are good people. I respect them, I didn't want them to think that I was just giving up thinking about this lightly because I hadn't. I thought I heard a edge of irritation in his voice but then I realized he was starting his shift at work. "Are you working" "Yup, just about to start." "Well I just wanted to know if you had talked to him, I think he needs you" He said "yup, just been talking to him for about the last hour" "ok then I'll let you go" "Hey just because things are over between you two doesn't mean that you can call if you need anything or the wife" "You should call the wife" "I can't right now, I'll talk to you guys later" My ex had also found stuff I had left behind and put it in a box and a dress I guess, I really didn't think my friends had left anything behind. Who knows but Mom said he had a funny look on his face. She couldn't figure it out. I said was it saddness or grief and she said no it was like he was pissed off, like the rug was pulled out from under him. Hello! Thats how I had to do it, he would have talked and talked and talked just like he always does and then I get all dizzy and believe what he says, that things will be alright but he just doesn't show the goods. He has the plan but doesn't follow through...I am so done with that. He's good at one thing I know for sure - bullshit

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