Saturday, December 4, 2010

Overwhelmed with love

I am telling you I was not looking forward to packing today. I had a shitload of friends lined up and I was just counting the minutes. I killed some time at the gym just going through the motions. And then I finally thought, I need to go take a shower in my own home. I went back to the condo and he wasn't there. He said he wouldn't be but I wasn't really sure. I went straight to my computer to check my email and funny enough he had sent an email to me 3 minutes before. I thought "Is he watching me? Weird" it went onto say that he hoped I'd change my mind and that he couldn't think of not waking up next to me and maybe with this time away that I would realize how much he loved me. Delete. I had a little cry, felt sorry for myself and then said "he is trying to rope you in again." At that moment the phone rang and I jumped "Hello?" whew it was friends, then people started to arrive, it was a room full of bodies almost like a party - laughing and joking but with hard working good solid people who were here for a common goal to help me. I was so overwhelmed I just couldn't express how much it meant to me today to have all of these awesome people around both in body and in spirit. I am amazed at what a solid group of friends I have. It has deeply affected me in the most poignant way. I really and truly love each and every one of them very much. I knew at that moment that I was on the right path. How could I not be? No one had ever questioned my decision - as a good friend pointed out. Concidering I was dreading this day this morning, I think it turned out pretty good.

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