Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I got what I wanted so why am I sad?

I'm sad and having a little cry and that's ok. He finally signed the papers to list on MLS. He did what I asked so why am I sad? Because it's the end of something. I am greiving. He's sad too but he didn't really give me a choice in the matter. He just doesn't have the same goals as I did. He didn't have the work ethic I did. I just wanted him to take some adult responsibility. I felt like I worked harder than he did. Twelve hour shifts, nights, weekends. Got groceries, cleaned the house, made sure there was change for laundry.... I wanted to take the easy route but I couldn't because he wouldn't hold up his end and be an equal.So I took on all of the responsibility. I felt he didn't want to work anymore, he constantly complained when he did have a job how much he hated it. He wanted to be a vagabon, travel the world and work where he travelled. He didn't want the daily responsibilities of a life. He wanted to dream about travelling. He had big ideas but had no plan on how to get the ideas to happen. He was so focused on the future of retiring he didn't live in the now and just enjoy each moment with me. Like go for a walk or sit by the ocean and talk or play "what would you do if you won the lotto".....Where did the communication break down and he stopped listening and I stopped caring? Too many times I see people get caught up in attaining material things or get into the grind or routine of going to work and going through the motions. Its so easy to become that hampster on the wheel. Get up, go to work, come home and go to bed. And repeat x5 days. I don't really know what I'm trying to say. It's not one thing it's everything. I don't regret my decision I just need to focus on my future now. Moving forward.

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