Friday, May 6, 2011

If you know me, you love me.

So in my balls out style I am not one to sit there and wait. I am impatient. So very impatient. I am used to setting my mind to something and getting it. So this is no stretch of the imagination. I needed to know. I had to break the ice I had to let my freak fly!

So I texted him. Mister text-a-holic. My text non-boyfriend who I'm not dating. I wrote "I have 39 and a half minutes free. You wanna make out?"

Yes, that's what I wrote. I wrote it and I sent it. Either way I will know if he's not that into me. Or it will open the dialogue that maybe touches on the subject of "look I'm not interested in a textual relationship; I would actually like to see you." But let me tell ya, it was freakin' scary typing those words...thinking "what if he says ya ok! or no not interested, or whatever....but oh well. I will know and make a decision from that response.

Dude! Wake up and smell the pheromones!

"The purest union that can exist between
a man and a woman is that created
by the sense of smell and sanctioned
by the brain's normal assimilation
of the animate molecules emitted
by the secretions produced by two bodies
in contact and sympathy,
and in their subsequent evaporation."
(Auguste Galopin in "The Perfume of Women and the Sense of Smell in Love")

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