Puppies, hugs, a planning future, friends, laughing, being inappropriate, goals, accomplishing goals, paying my own way. A feeling of accomplishment, creamy sweet coffee, making a good meal for someone I care about (friends, family, loves), giving, love, dressing up, doing something for myself, traveling, planning, a new home, planning holidays, getting my hair done.
Things that make me feel good but I don't know it until after its over are:
Exercise, getting things off my chest, eating right, working hard and waiting for the end result, getting to the gym, getting to the top of a mountain, breaking up with someone, letting go.
Things I won't have to put up with anymore :
Debt, Borrowing money, borrowing my car, telling me what I should do, listening to plans that I will end up paying for in the end, incesant talking, "you know what your problem is", having plans made and then being stood up, being used, being disrespected, being fucked, being a doormat, being a bank, being a pushover, being the heavy, being the responsible one all the time, sacrificing my happiness or my pleasure for someone else who takes me for granted, my life will no longer feel on HOLD, I won't have to repeat myself three times to have myself heard then have a meltdown for change, waiting for my 40year old boyfriend to come home after a night of drinking at 3, 4, or 5am. Wondering what he's doing for 3hours after the bar has closed. Having someone put a lean on your stuff that you own to pay off their debt and then ending up paying the payments, dealing with a manipulator who uses your good nature and loyalty against you, a selfish bastard, a con man, grabbing my boobs in public, the resentment that I feel that has caused anxiety, stress, heart palpatations, weightgain, saddness, unrest and insomnia. Unable to trust.
Wow, I just read over this and thought "if a girlfriend told me she put up with this I would tell her she is being abused and brainwashed and needs to get the fuck out, NOW" Holy shit. WTF just happened?
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